5 Fun Games for Couples to Spark Romance in Your Relationship
Our busy lives keep us so occupied that we hardly get time for our better halves. Ironically, it’s the same with them.
However, amidst all the work-eat-sleep-repeat regimes, it’s important to keep the love-life maintained. Nothing is worth losing your beloved, after all!
If your hectic schedule is making you lose the lovey-dovey spark in the romantic relationship, then stay put. It’s time to build it up through fun romantic games for couples.

#1 Romantic Scrabble
Everyone has played Scrabble. However, ever heard about romantic scrabble? It’s similar to that of normal scrabble, only here you have to make up romantic words.
To spice things up, you could include an unusual reward, where one has to kiss the other if they score some points. That way, the game will become more interesting, and both of you will have a great time.
#2 Drinking Roulette
A fun way to romanticize your relationship is through Drinking Roulette. To play, you will need a drink. It may or may not be alcoholic (totally your call!). If you are a sober kind of person, go for normal sodas.
In this game, a person will ask a question to the other person. If their answer is yes, they will have to take a sip of the drink. If the answer is no, no one has to drink anything.
For alcoholics, the drink may be anything, starting from tequila to wine. The game rules could be modified as per your desire. Make sure to try other methods to keep a relationship during a pandemic.
#3 Never Have I Ever
You may have played this common game with your friend or seen influencers playing on social media. Try playing this with your partner too!
Take a piece of sheet/paper and write “I have” and “I have not” on both sides of it. Now, curate a bunch of romantic and crazy questions. Once the questions are asked, flip the paper as per your answer.
For example, if the question is ” Never have I ever stalked an ex.” Flip the ‘I have’ side of the page if you have done so. If not, then go for ” I have not.”
#4 Truth or Dare
Truth or dare has been the ideal way to make things interesting for so many relationships. It’s a game where you could ask your partner to choose between truth or dare.
If they select the truth, ask them a question where they have to speak the truth. Likewise, if they choose to dare, give them a task to do. You can turn this game romantic by including lovey-dovey questions and intimate dares.
#5 Two Truths and A Lie
If things are new for both you and your partner lately, then go for ‘two truths and a lie.’ It’s where your partner tells two truths and one lie about them. Now, you have to identify which one is the lie.
Once it’s your turn, tell two truths and one lie about yourself. They will have to identify the lies and truths. You can team it up with a romantic couple spa for an extra kick!
#6 Staring Contest
While it may seem boring to you, it’s worth trying if you want to fall in love all over again. To play, you need to stare at each other. The one who blinks first loses the game.
During the game, fix your eyes into theirs and do not speak. Live the moment and feel the chemistry between you both. Stare at them with love, and you will see a spark in your relationship.

Romantic games are the ideal way to keep those laptops, phones away and indulge in something together. That’s why it’s likely to bring two people closer!
Try out the above fun games to preserve the bond between you two. We recommend trying them more often for the best results.