7 Weight Loss Tips to Follow If You Do A Desk Job
Your 9 to 5 job may earn you bread and butter. But, it also comes with both weight gain and back pain.
With such a drastic spread of IT, desk jobs have become relatively common. While technology has made work convenient, it comes with sitting and staring at screens for hours without any movement. This can contribute to weight gain.
Before you know, you will be sitting on your desk with a potbelly. Nightmare, right? That’s why we have curated a list of weight loss tips, following which you could shed those extra kilos easily!

#1 Walk Meetings
One of the best ways to keep both you and your colleagues active is by organizing walk meetings. Instead of sitting at a conference table for a meeting, you could discuss a matter over a bite or coffee. That way, your team and you could take a break from sitting long.
#2 Snack Healthy
Everyone likes to munch when working. However, the problem arises when your munch gets unhealthy. Instead of stuffing your place with chocolate, chips, and bars, go for something healthy.
That may include healthy shakes, smoothies, fruit salads, and more. While it may not get
you moving, the idea is perfect for reducing any extra put-ons.
#3 Drink Water
Sometimes the solution to your problem could be water. People may feel like they are hungry, but in reality, they are just dehydrated. That’s why you should keep a bottle of fresh water handy and drink it often.
Not only does it keep you full, but it avoids any overeating during lunchtime. It also preserves your skin’s health and keeps it glowing. Along with work, make sure to drink water first thing in the morning.

#4 Eat Your Meal Slowly
How many times have you eaten your meal while working during lunch hours? Many times, for sure. In fact, a majority of people rush with their food to save time.
Consuming food faster may result in gaining weight. That’s why one should eat their meals slowly and chew them properly. Instead of working and eating, you should utilize your break hours wisely to eat the food.
After that, you should take a walk instead of sitting at your desk.
#5 Stand 30 minutes per hour
Sitting is not a healthy practice. However, we spend a major part of the day sitting. This is not just for people with desk jobs. Even people who do not work or have other occupations end up sitting for long.
Prolonged sitting may cause diseases like high blood sugar, blood pressure, & a lifestyle disorder called obesity. These ailments could be prevented if we include standing to our typical regimes.
The sit-to-stand ratio should remain within 1:1 to 1:3. For best results, it’s recommended to stand for 30 minutes per hour.
#6 Go for Stairs
The best way to include moving to your routine is by choosing stairs instead of elevators. While the elevator is quicker, the stairs are a lot healthier.
Once you get used to stairs, you may not require an elevator at all. Try to use the stairs as often as you can for efficient weight loss.
#7 Workplace Wellness Programs
If your employer offers work wellness programs in the form of gyms, workout classes, or fitness centers, go for it. It’s worth dedicating an hour or so after work for your body. Plus point, you would not have to leave the office for the program, as these centers are mostly in-house.
To Conclude
That’s how to lose weight with a sedentary lifestyle. Keep note that weight loss takes time. But, when done right, you may see quick results. Combine these tips with a healthy lifestyle, and you are good to go!