7 Super foods that will boost your Brain’s Memory Power

Learning By heart and remembering is a habit we inculcate right since our childhood. But not everyone gets a super memory power to remember everything. Having a sharp and focused Brain and memory power depends on many factors. One of them is our Diet. It has been proven by Science that whatever we eat during the day, not only affects our physical health, but also mental health.

This means that if you want to improve your brain functions and remembering the power, you need to look at what you eat. Try to include the following foods in your diet regularly as they are known to greatly assist in enhancing your Brain’s memory power:

  • Avocados

Among the healthy foods, it’s right on top. Avocados have Vitamin K, C, B, and Folate. The Vitamins boosts our memory and concentration by improving the cognitive function and also helps in preventing blood clots in the brain. For great tacos that have avocados check out La Mexcana Taco Bar (Food in Wilton Manors)

  • Eggs

It is packed with a lot of nutrients that make it a very powerful food for our brain health. Vitamin B12 helps in the regulation of sugar levels in the brain and synthesizing brain chemicals. Eggs have Choline which helps the chemical composition of the brain’s neurotransmitters and brain function. The Cholesterol in eggs helps strengthen the brain’s structure and cells, plus the formation of brain cell membranes.

  • Broccoli

Broccoli also has good amounts of Choline and Vitamin K. It has Glucosinolates which slows the process of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine breakdown, improves cognitive functions and brain power. Acetylcholine helps with the efficient performance of the central nervous system while low levels of acetylcholine mean high chances of Alzheimer’s. Broccoli is also known to improve verbal episodic memory i.e. remembering verbal instructions.

  • Olive Oil

It is highly rich in antioxidants which reduce the risks of brain health and improves our brain functions. It is also a great source of Polyphenols, which protect our brain. Olive oil also helps in the fight against ADDLs which are toxic proteins for the brain.

  • Turmeric

Its health benefits have been documented in the 3000+ years old Vedic texts too. Curcumin is an active ingredient in this deep yellow spice which is a serious anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compound. Its benefits include improving brain memory, reducing depression by boosting dopamine and serotonin and helping the growth of new brain cells. Turmeric bypasses the blood and can directly enter our brain.

  • Blueberries

Besides tasting good, they have many antioxidants, fiber, nutrients, Vitamin K, and C. It is known to delay short term memory loss. The flavonoids in them help improve our spatial memory and reduce inflammation. They also have a high level of Gallic acid which prevents degeneration and stress in our brain and gets rid of toxic proteins that are connected with age-related memory loss.

  • Blackcurrant

Vitamin C has many benefits for our brain. They include improving cognitive power, mental agility, reducing anxiety and stress. Whereas a deficiency of this vitamin may lead to age-related brain disorders like Alzheimer’s and Dementia. The best source of this crucial Vitamin C is Blackcurrant. It also has Polyphenolics and Flavonoids.

We require our Brain for every task we do, whether it is voluntary or involuntary. Do you know, even while we are asleep, our brain is working! In fact, it works much more, than while we are awake. Thus, it is necessary to take good care of it, nurture it as much as we can and keep it working to its maximum potential.

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