9 signs of Dehydration apart from feeling Thirsty

Vehicles operate because we put “Gas” in them. Without gas, they won’t move even an inch. Somewhat similar is the case for we humans w.r.t Water, although we can bear its absence for a couple of days. The importance of water for us can be gauged by the fact that we can remain without food for even up to 3 weeks, but only for 3-4 days without water!

Meanwhile, the condition when water levels drop inside us is called as “Dehydration” and you should worry about it because it is not something to be neglected; a host of serious health problems will set in you. It is so easy to assume dehydration when you are feeling thirsty but you should know about 9 more symptoms which will point out to Dehydration as well.

  • Headache

So which part of our body needs the most water? It’s our Brains, and if it doesn’t get enough fluids, you will see a range of symptoms that include migraine, headache, dizzy spells, falling unconscious, etc.

  • Dry skin

Yeah, even skin needs water, albeit from the inside. Without a healthy blood supply, the skin will get dry and that’s a sign. Moisturizer can be a good solution for it, but a better one is drinking a lot of water.

  • Low Blood pressure

This is because about half of our blood is made up of plasma. Water, salts, and proteins constitute plasma and without enough water, our blood becomes too concentrated; as a result of which our vital organs get less blood than needed.

  • Going to washroom rarely

Even your Renal system requires adequate water or else how will your urine form? If you are peeing less frequently than before, that means there is less water inside you. Not a good thing because waste needs to be regularly thrown out of you.

  • Tea or dark-colored urine

This one’s obviously related to the above symptom. If you drink less water, the urine will be more concentrated and colored. Again, something which you should avoid happening.

  • Constipation

Feeling constipated? That means to keep things moving, there is not enough fluid. The digestive system needs ample water to run smoothly, for the food to move easily through the whole digestive system.

  • Feeling really tired

Sometimes you do feel tiredness, energy slump in the day. The reason could be Dehydration. Less water in our body will make our Blood pressure drop, which will result in slowing down of blood to the brain and shooting up the heart rate. All of this will make you feel tired and fatigued.

  • Dry mouth

If you wake up with a cottonmouth sensation in the morning, which feels so gross, that is a signal for you to drink water. Because enough saliva can only be made if there are enough fluids in you. Along with this, even bad breath can indicate the possibility of dehydration. If you don’t want to embarrass yourself, pour a good amount of water in you!

  • Muscle cramps

Dehydration means blood becomes concentrated and the blood volume drops. As this happens, the priorities of your body change and more blood goes to the heart. This makes less blood flow to other parts, esp. the muscles, resulting in cramps.

It’s not for nothing that so many people shout at the top of their voices urging people to drink a lot of water. You must have heard that 8 glasses of water a day is adequate for all, but the truth is, it differs from person to person. You just have to drink adequate water, and you will automatically stay away from these 9 health issues.

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