Sharing a credit card with your significant other or adding them as an authorized user is a big step to take. Yes, there is no…
Do you realize how difficult it is to pick out the perfect gift even for a day like Valentine’s? There’s always the struggle of getting…
Moving in with your significant other makes a whole lot of sense, especially when you have been in that relationship for a long time. Shacking…
Most social media platforms are designed to connect people. It is a fairly new concept in terms of social evolution, and we are beginning to…
In much of the United States, winter weather has everyone thinking about a vacation. You want to go somewhere warm and fun. Anything to get…
Just about everyone can relate to buyer’s remorse. Impulse buying is one of the main reasons for debt and personal financial shame. How do we…
We all do it. We make lofty promises to ourselves and those around us and we declare that this year is going to be different. …
For the average person, many financial woes can be attributed to bad spending habits. Most people do not know exactly where their money goes because…
During winter vacations, there are two kinds of travelers – those that want to enjoy the winter environment and those who want to escape winter…
It is the holiday season again and this time of year there’s a lot of love to go around. So, in the midst of sharing…