Burnout at workplace? Tips to make your workplace a happy one

Burnout is a classic trend of the 21st century. It means getting constantly stressed and super edgy at your workplace. Dissatisfaction due to a huge to-do list, non-conducive work environment due to jealous or overly competitive colleagues, unrealistic expectations or bad bosses who do not acknowledge your efforts. If you are facing any of these, it is quite possible that you are burning out every single day.

Sometimes, even if the situation is not as bad, there might be an equally qualified and capable person who would get promoted instead of you. One has to deal with difficult people everywhere and quitting the job and butterflying around is not always an option.

  1. Build a support system for yourself outside the work hours – Choosing to talk your heart out with a close family member or a dear friend always helps in getting a clear your perspective towards issues and learning new ways to deal with them. Ensure you have a healthy work-life balance and confide into someone who knows you best. Friends and family are the most precious support systems when it comes to unwinding and feeling balanced.

  2. Find your friend at work – If your workplace is full of people who constantly pull you down there has to be at least that one person who you can open up to and discuss what bothers you. While doing so, be mindful about not getting into office politics or negative gossiping. Find co-workers you enjoy working with and try to spend maximum time around them. Cheerful souls who know to pick your mood up do exist! Just find your favorite

  3. Make your workspace a happy one – Since you spend the maximum time of your day in your job, making the workspace a personalized and happy one is quite important. Decorate your desk with graffiti or your favorite quotes. Have small indoor plants around as green gives a soothing effect. You could also have a visual representation of your ultimate goal in order to motivate you or simply remind you of how it’s all worth it. Finding your favorite spot to stretch and unwind, like a window with a good view or a little open space with fresh air also helps you break the sedation caused at the workplace.

  4. Try not to be the Yes- Man or Yes- Woman – Can’t say a NO to your senior or subordinates? If you are a people pleaser who cannot say no to people asking for favors or throwing tasks on you one after another, it is quite possible that you are a nerve-wracked, stressed individual. Planning your work meticulously, knowing how much you have on your plate and being able to say a NO to unrealistic deadlines or tasks with proper justification is a must.

  5. Self-Care practices – Self-care goes a long way not only in your personal life but also for you to be able to manage yourself at your workplace! Higher energy level, good grasping power and better speed in delivering tasks come with good self-care practices. Eating clean, staying hydrated, working out at least for 40 minutes everyday, meditation, chanting, yoga and spa treatments on a regular basis can help you bust the stress and negativity with a great spirit.

  6. Hobbies and outdoors – A long list of pending things to do? This feature is a constant in the lives of almost all the working individuals if today. Take a break and get out in nature. Also, take a break to indulge in your favorite hobbies. This will only help you kick start your mind and feel refreshed re-energized to resume work.

Apart from these tips and tricks, training yourself to build a positive outlook towards life always helps you deal with stress better.

Make your personalized list of the activities that pick you up instantly and help yourself stay happy, fresh and positive to be the best at work!

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