Do you need only Willpower to Change a Bad Habit?

Hear one amazing fact: Various studies have concluded that only about 10% of people succeed in actually implementing their New Year Resolutions! Somewhat similar is the story of people who look to get rid of their bad habits. You make grand plans and dream of achieving your plans, dream of seeing an improved version of yourself sooner than later. But, as is the case, more often than not, you fail terribly.

You must have read and heard a lot about the importance of “Willpower”. But the truth is, for most people it’s not easy to generate that much amount of Willpower a.k.a. “Self-control”. It is so easy to give in to temptations after some time or when under stress. Nowadays, the temptation is everywhere and you have no control over what’s not yours.

Probably Willpower is not the only thing you need to get rid of a Bad Habit. What you might need is a gradual process which could be like:

  • Taking a real break.
  • Adjusting your Environment.
  • Find a support group.
  • Look back at your “Why” again.
  • Even when you slip-up, be kind to yourself.

Give yourself some space, a chance to recharge and rest. A real vacation or staycation will greatly help in replenishing your willpower. You need to live a day that will be so different from your routine life. Being with nature is the best way to take a break, stay away from other goals and ambitions in life. That way, you get a clear perspective on your Bad habit goals and a filled up willpower.

It is so obvious that if you keep the same environment as it is whenever you do your bad habit, you will never get rid of it. Instead, you will succumb to the temptation; you will get reminded of the habit regularly. E.g., if you compulsively use your mobile while in your study room, just don’t bring it in the room. Likewise, adjust your environment accordingly for any other bad habit.

Having people around who will support you in your endeavor will boost your chances of succeeding in your aim. You can let know a few of your near n dear ones about your resolution, ones who will hold you accountable in case you slip up. Or if that is not possible, then you can opt for free support groups who are trying to eradicate similar bad habits.

Don’t panic if you lose your way and forget the main purpose of what you are doing. To motivate yourself again, simply revisit the bad habit problem; why and how you decided to change it. It is essential to always keep in touch with your main motive. You can visualize your main goal and also the smaller goals intended to take you to the finish line.

Last, but not the least, it is okay if you slip up in any of your correction activity. Done be harsh on yourself; remember, “To err is human”, nothing will go perfect for you, there will be struggles. If you make any mistakes, be nice to yourself and continue with your resolution.

Try as much as you want, but a drastic change never works for anyone. You also just can’t rely on willpower alone. It also takes time, patience and some concrete plan, which will help you come out of the bad habit and be an improved person that you wanted to be.

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