Junk Food in the Trash Bin- Few good reasons to do so!

Our ancestors rightly said, “What you eat is what you are”. Food is a lot more than a mere element of sustenance. Food is an emotion. It is also a science! It defines your quality of life you spend and can make you or very well, break you too. Food when sourced, cooked and eaten rightly, understanding your individual need, can be a very healing element leading to holistic health.

Having said that, one of the scariest addictions of 2019 is junk food addiction. There are a plethora of side effects of this easily available, highly unhealthy category of foods. While many don’t even know the thin line between moderately healthy to junk, this category of food is an epidemic. Yes, a man-made one! In the fast world where each one is running around helter-skelter in the quest to meet deadlines, fast food or junk food is a savior.

To begin with, what is Junk Foods/ Fast Food? As per the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Junk Food is any food that has been “cooked, canned, frozen, packaged, or changed in nutritional composition,” now in every second store. Easily accessible at our favorite places such as coffee shops, food courts, movie halls, and malls. This category of foods which include very drastic, fast cooking techniques like deep frying, adding chemical-based preservatives, pre-cooking with loads of salt/ sugar and making it handy and quickly accessible to the masses. It is hiding in many of your favorite foods including breakfast cereals, take-out meals, soda, and deli meats. Processed junk food contains high-fructose corn syrup, nitrates, artificial sweeteners, MSG, food coloring, and other ingredients making you very unhealthy.

After studying a group of people with lifestyle issues, we listed down several reasons why one should drastically cut down on junk making it close to nil. Read on to know the highlighted reasons why you and yours should STOP on it. Now!

  1. Fatigue and Brain Fog:

    Abnormal amounts of sugar, salt, and carbs in these foods cause the bodily functions to get thrown off balance. Sodium causes water retention, stressing the organs, resulting in energy crash and brain fog in the bargain. If you are indulging in junk processed foods too often, your body may be deficient in many important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants needed to boost energy and brain clarity which may result in difficulty focusing, finishing tasks in a timely manner or at all.

  2. Digestive Disorders:

    These foods have various chemicals and additives in them that are very difficult for our bodies to digest and process. Eventually, they build up toxicity in the body and what goes in, surely does not come out! In turn, skin disorders and hormonal imbalance is a sure shot follower.

  3. Disturbed Sleep:

    The negative impact of junk foods directly interferes with brain function. Anxiety and distress cause insomnia and in turn insomnia worsens the condition. This results in multiple lifestyle diseases. Thus junk food can whirl you into a vicious cycle, can you see?

  4. Hormonal Imbalances & Pre:

    Diabetic Conditions: If you have been eating wrongly since childhood, at a very young age, you might develop insulin sensitivity due to abnormal levels of carbs, sugars and spices the body is stuffed with. This, in turn, wrecks the other hormones, thus blending into the vicious cycle and aggravating conditions.

It’s never too late to stop abusing your body and falling trap to dirty commercial sides of the food industry today. You can always reverse conditions, recover and heal if you give yourself certain disciplined hours of self-care which include reading labels thoroughly before you decide to eat, planning your meals and cooking well, exercising and therapy. Give it a thought and we are sure it’ll be worth it.

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