Keep toddlers and gadgets away from each other: The reasons scrutinized

Every subsequent generation of humans gets a different upbringing than the previous ones. Today’s kids, born in this 21st-century digital world filled with gadgets everywhere are at risk of living a true and fulfilling life. Infants today are holding a mobile or a tablet in their hands even before they can walk and are getting addicted to these gadgets over time.

The ensuing usage of these gizmos by the little kids is damaging their overall development and health and becoming a big worry for the adults. Following are the side effects of exposing too many mobiles and other gadgets to kids:

The most important effects are seen in their physical health and development. Although children quickly learn to use gadgets even before learning other essential things, they don’t really get any sense or learn precautions related to the use of these gadgets; like screen brightness, how much away the screen should be from their eyes, what is the optimum time at a stretch they should stare at the screens etc.

Since so much color and entertainment is there in the mobiles and Internet, kids end up with these gadgets way more than they should and end up straining their necks, eyes, and backs. The digital screens are also causing the kids to blink less than they should ideally, leading to frequent dry eyes and irritation. Prolonged exposure may lead to myopia and early usage of contact lenses. Too much usage at night time can greatly disturb sleep patterns and time.

As children spend more time in front of digital screens that impacts their time spent outdoors, playing outdoor games or just being in the sun, getting less sunlight and vitamin D. Less physical activity also turns them into couch potatoes and at an increased risk of obesity.

Cognitive development is greatly hampered by the excessive use of gadgets by kids. Naturally, kids’ brains develop at a rapid pace for a few years from the time they are born. But, if they spend too much time in front of the screens, it can lead to impaired learning, cognitive delays, attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), more impulsivity and addiction to the digital screens, etc.

Children always try to emulate whatever they encounter in their life. So if they come across anything violent or of sexual nature in the dark world of internet, they are at an increased risk of aggressive and violent behavior which can become difficult to change as they grow.

Increased gadgets use is also responsible for delayed language skills in children. As they get more focused on their mobile screens, they ignore what their elders are talking to them or talk with delayed, incomplete or stutteringly; thus they are unable to completely develop their talking skills with people and in the process, also constraining their social relationship and bonding skills.

As the kids spend more time in these gizmos, they are also unknowingly put themselves at an increased risk of radiation exposure. This is dangerous as kids are more sensitive to such effects, their immune system is still developing. As compared to adults, kids also tend to take in more such radiation in them which escalates the probability of having Cancer and related dangerous disorders.

The more the kids get involved in the gadgets, the more are the withdrawal symptoms in them. If anyone forcibly snatches these tablets and mobiles from them, kids can develop anxiety, aggressive behavior to get back to the mobiles, restlessness, etc. Considering all of these above potential risks for the kids, it is seriously necessary to limit kids’ time of gadgets use as less as possible and let them get full natural development.

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