Never do this on your first date

Never do this on your first date 

Looking for tips and tricks to get that first date done well to perfection? Want to impress that special one you’ve had a crush on for the longest time? Want to have that cutei think of you forever post that one- good-date? Here we are to your rescue! Presenting you with some amaze balls tips for your very first date which can turn the scenes around

Never make your date wait

Getting late on your very first date is a big no no. Can  be a major put off, obviously, because people hate waiting! Sure you don’t want to set that first impression of someone impunctual who doesn’t value his/her precious time

Never make your date pay if you are the one who has seeded the idea!

You ask him/her out on a date then you pay the bill. Okay? As simple as that. Plus if your date offers to dutch you always can grab that chance to plan a second date by saying “next time it’s your treat”. So, plan your venue and logistics accordingly and keep your pocket well loaded.

Never over dress

Go by the venue dress code but not over the top with it as you ain’t hosting your wedding reception yet! Over dressing can make you look really desperate. Layers of make up or loud outfits can be major put offs. Elegant and simple it should be but at the same time ensure your grooming basics are bang on with well done hair, nails, a mouth fresher and a great perfume, of course!

Never over eat …or over drink even!

A first date isn’t a great place to display that mad foodie or the boozie in you. Getting slaushed or stuffing yourself, even on an unlimited menu, isn’t impressive at all. You don’t wanna create unpleasant scenes right? Plus, dont forget to keep the table manners intact.

Never let your hormones off control

Getting touchy or pushing yourself all over can have your date wanna run away unless you are getting very evident green signal’s’ to do so. Horny scenes work well after mutual approval or after some quality time well spent.

Never look into that gadget.

Giving undivided attention is not only a form of respect but it can really make the one with you feel special. Letting your phone and other gadgets rest a while is always a good idea. Be rest assured that this gesture will not go unnoticed!

Never not listen!

You can really irk your date if you talk on topics of your own interest or worst, about your own self non-stop going on and on. Giving your partner a fair and equal chance to talk and being a great listener is always a good thing to do. Having some meaningful topics pre-planned in your mental note book is a great one too ‘if’ it ends up getting awkward and uncomfortably silent any point.


Never fake your personality

Be yourself throughout. If you fake or lie about yourself, things can get really awkward. If your date turns into a relationship or simply leads to many more dates over time, truth will surely surface. So keep the water clean and clear and let time add the colors to it!

Hope the tips we dispensed out will help you plan your perfect date and make it a memorable one. Have fun!

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