These tips will keep alive your relationships other than the Special One

Human beings are social animals. All our life we are entangled in relationships; right from the moment we are born, we have parents, till the moment we die, we have grandkids with us. The one special relationship that most of us agree happens in between… Our life partner, the one true love of our life.

The most memorable moments, the maximum happiness we get with our one romantic life partner. But think about it, that’s not the only person we live with, in our whole life, don’t we? We have our parents, relatives, so many friends, neighbors, etc. Life with them is perfect until we encounter the one we think is “The One”.

Well, that could happen in our teenage, in college or later in our 20s. Once when we get in a romantic relationship, our whole world and day revolve around that person and we tend to interact less or ignore others around us; especially our family and friends. Although this is normal all around, usually it may last for a few weeks to a couple of months.

But if ignoring other people around us for the special one lasts for more than that, they will surely notice it and start complaining. The more you do it, the more will be the repercussions of it. If you planned to hide your relationship from your parents, then you should be with them as you were before the relationship. Your change in behavior over a long time will surely convince them about your relationship status.

Then come your friends, whether college, area or office friends. You should definitely not ignore them. Friendship should be equally important and lovingly memorable as a romantic relationship. Your parents might still stay with you or forgive you after all, for ignoring them but your friends may not. The more time you spend with your partner and decrease your time spent with friends, even virtually, will make them distance themselves away from you.

In such a situation, what if you suffer a breakup? Or a big argument break up between you two? You will start missing your friends and realize their importance in your life. Your friends will lend their shoulders to you to cry on and the better the friendship, sooner you will be able to get over the relationship; or sooner you will be able to solve issues in the relationship with your friends’ help.

As you can see, it is very important to not ignore others around you just for the one special person, even if she/he ends up becoming your spouse. Maybe some of the following tips could come in handy to maintain your friendships:

  • You both can plan a day when you will stay away from each other and dedicate the whole day to your friends/ family.

  • You can go on outings like a picnic, short trips, movies, etc. only with your friends/ family.

  • Do stay in regular touch with your friends/relatives via social media and chat apps if you can’t meet them.

  • Instead of dialing your partner’s mobile no. Call your friends, relatives, cousins, etc. and talk without any limit, talk everything you missed out on, everything under the sun.

  • When you are with your partner as well as your friends/ family give equal time to both, do not give preference to one over the other.

It is not just our life partner, but also our friends, family, relatives, neighbors that make our life complete and fulfilling. Life becomes the happiest and perfect by being with all of them, we become who we are, our better self by being with all of them.

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