What are the upcoming Diets for 2020?

For a country that has a majority of people overweight or obese, the word “diet” is a common utterance; not just that, nearly 90 million people residing in the US practice some or the other diet. Pretty sure you must have tried some or the other new diet for yourself in 2019, in a bid to become healthy. Diets exist in a big number, just that they come in and go out of trend for some time.

So what have you thought about your “Diet” plans for the upcoming year? 2020 is approaching fast and people are planning their life for this new decade. We thought of helping you out in the Diets department by giving our predictions of which diets could trend in 2020.

The Primal Diet

Followers of this diet eat foods that are unprocessed. The basic idea is that, before Industrialization and farming, humans ate raw foods and still stayed healthy, disease-free; hence it is called as the primal diet. Foods like fruits, certain oils, vegetables, certain dairy products should be eaten raw.

The Flexitarian Diet

This style of eating encourages plant-based foods in a major way but you can also have meat and other animal products in moderation. This flexible diet was created by Dietician Dawn Jackson Blatner. A complete vegan cannot try this diet as there are still some non-veg involved.

The MIND Diet

The word MIND is an acronym for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. This diet aims to help the dieter’s brain and shorten their chance of developing Dementia, and hence it is popular among the growing aging population. The foods emphasized are – Leafy vegetables, green vegetables, poultry, fish, olive oil, etc.

Intermittent Fasting

You can do intermittent fasting in many ways depending on your average daily schedule. It involves dividing time in distinct fasting and eating periods. What happens is during the eating period, followers eat whatever they want, but during the fasting period, they eat nothing or something negligible. This style can improve your health and help you lose weight.

The Plant-Based Diet

The word Plant here doesn’t mean that it is a strict vegetarian diet. Followers eat mostly vegetarian foods but with a few or no animal products. They are derived from plants that include nuts, vegetables, seeds, grains, fruits, legumes, etc. meant to benefit your heart.

An Indigenous Diet

People of the Bolivian Amazon have one of the healthiest hearts in the world. Hence, a diet was formulated based on what they eat. Followers have complex carbohydrates from rice and plantains. They also consume more than 40 species of fishes! Their diet is low in fats but high in fiber.

The Keto Diet

A very popular diet, it looks like Keto or Ketogenic diet will be in trend even in 2020. Followers take in more calories from fats, then from proteins, and less from carbohydrates. Hence foods like soda, pastries, sugar, white bread, etc. are a complete no. Followers eat foods that are high in “good fats,” e.g. coconuts, whole dairy, nuts, etc.

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