What does it take for a happy blissful marriage?

Happily ever after with your special lifelong partner is a wish of one and all. They say that marriages are made in heaven. Here we agree to disagree. Marriages are very much made by both the entities involved. Heaven or hell is something that we make for ourselves.

  1. Trust and faith:

    Trust and faith are life pillars and the foundation of a healthy marriage. No-lies is a basic ground rule of every strong relationship and a marriage is no exception to that. If you can be honest, open, just yourself with your better half only then the marriage is successful.

  2. Two-way traffic:

    A marriage is never ever a one-man show. The show is always run by both equally. Whether it is about the mundane home chores, running regular errands, taking care of the other family members or managing finances- involvement and contribution of both the spouses is absolutely essential. Dividing tasks and running the marriage like a joint project makes it a successful one.

  3.  Mutual respect:

    While it is very easy to find faults and nooks in each other after knowing the personalities in depth, it is very important to pick the positive and respect each other for the strength that they hold.

  4. Mutual cooperation:

    In this competitive world it is very important to co-operate with your partner to help get the aims and goals fulfilled. Helping each other and covering up for weaknesses is super important.

  5. Mutual understanding:

    For some life is very planned. But it is surely not very hunky-Dory glory when it comes to having those life plans fulfilled. Accident, incidents, events and some or the other unexpected plans come up every now and then whacking your plans of the radar. When this happens with your partner, all you need to do is understand, keep patience and support.

  6. From ‘me and mine’ to ‘ours’:

    A marriage is like a joint project and it is rightly called to be an institution. We do not mean that you lose your individuality but having joint projects, people to take care of, things to build and buy is always a healthy indicator of your marriage.

  7. Healthy discussion not arguments:

    When problems arise, they are quite a lot of possibilities of aggression and heated arguments. These arguments turn into fights and you might just end up saying things that you never even meant, which may not go down well with your better half leaving him scarred for the rest of his life. Avoid arguments, instead, find a different location than usual and sit down with your partner to talk out the problems plus find a solution mutually.

  8. Constructive feedback not criticism:

    It is impossible to like each and every trait and quality of your better half. Usual reason for problems are reasons like procrastination, habitual lying, hygiene or simply management issues at home. Be it your spouse or anyone in the family, constructive criticism given with love and care and using carefully chosen words in a way that the counterpart does not feel like you are raising fingers on them helps maintain the decorum, change the scenario at home make improvements and thus strengthen the marriage.

  9. Equality:

    When there are two human beings living together, it is very easy to develop certain feelings of inferiority or superiority. It only takes a lot of observation and listening to understand how your better half actually feels. Both the parties should make sure that none of you feel inferior and superior and there is a solid bond of equality maintained in the relationship. This surely can come by understanding your shortcomings and your lovers’ strengths.

  10. Expressing feelings:

    Communicate, communicate and communicate! Don’t leave things to be mind read by your partner. Do not reserve your feelings in times good bad or ugly

  11. Physical Attraction:

    It is very easy for a married couple to take each other for granted after years of experience. Lack of physical attraction is one of the major reasons why marriages weaken. Do not compromise on your health or grooming standards and make your better half felt as if taken for granted. It is always a good idea to keep the fire burning and putting all the efforts needed for the same. In fact, for a stronger marriage, you could also spice it up by getting creative time and again!

Hope these pointers help you step up in your marital life and have a blissful one forever.

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