What is a Karmic relationship and does it last?

The word “soulmate” is known by many people, it is the perfect and ideal relationship that all of us wish for. Likewise, there are other kinds of relationships which we go through, obviously because we meet many people throughout our lives. A Karmic relationship is one such example. It is the bondage of two people in this life because of some past life connections.

Have you ever been in a situation where you were mystically attracted to some stranger? You didn’t know that person before, but didn’t feel like that! Like you both were forced to make a connection by some unseen cosmic force and couldn’t explain it, you couldn’t even stop it! Within no time, you both became a couple.



A karmic relationship is a romantic involvement born out of a person’s soul association to correct or heal previous life experience or pain. This happens as a result of some soul agreement one might have got into in the previous life. It is many times characterized by an initial keenly knitted affection. You may be so knee-deep in the mud that the spiritual significance of the association may not be noticed.

The intimate spiritual connection experienced through a karmic relationship is essential to get us through individual vital life lessons.

A karmic relationship is supposedly one where you have made a pact on a higher level to teach each other about specific aspects of living. You may decide to want to learn how to love unconditionally and so your partner agrees or volunteers to be the one to assist you. You then find yourself in a relationship where your partner is indifferent and maybe even unfaithful and yet still holds on to you, encouraging you not to leave.

This, my friends, could be your experience of a karmic relationship. It is an encounter that will cause distress to at least one of the partners. But, in the end, a karmic relationship will help us through our self-development. They will shape our lives, motivate us, teach us lessons.

Am I in a Karmic Relationship?

There are specific apparent indicators that you are in a karmic relationship or about to swing into one.

  1. It is going to seem as though you were created for each other or fated to be together. Since you belong to the same soul family or soul group, meeting for the first time after the part life will spring some form of deep connection. This is because to the soul, this is some sought of reconnection or maybe a ‘homecoming.’
  2. When in the relationship, it seems as though it is impossible to let go. It is as though you are firmly knitted to the relationship that amidst many pains and setbacks, letting go seems impracticable. This is as a result of the deep karmic ties that bind both parties. Even when you know your love is destructive, you are inextricably tied together, and it really hurts to walk away.
  3. One may totally lose himself. A person who sees no possibility of disconnecting from a relationship that causes pain is lost already. When you discover that one person dominates the relationship while stripping the other of some self-identity and self-esteem. It is most likely a karmic relationship. Karmic relationships don’t allow for both parties to feel emotionally secure and supported. The connection between you is based on a tussle for power.
  4. If 1-3 above is true, then you may begin to feel like you can’t survive without the other party, or the love you share is everything that matters in your life. This is a significant indicator of a karmic relationship. The implication is that you have handed over your power, thereby fueling the karmic patterns.
  5. Karmic relationships, in most cases, only show you your shadow instead of the reflective mirror effect like other relationships. When the negative parts of your psyche is continuously triggered when you’re with your lover, but they still don’t meet you with the love and understanding you need to heal, then you may well be in a karmic relationship.
  6. Control is karmic and not really helpful for a healthy relationship. When it seems you’re being so controlled or tossed by your partner so quickly, it is a sign of a karmic relationship. Recognizing that you’re controlling or being controlled is a step towards pulling off.
  7. Does your partner act so self-centered? All that matters is always what favors them and nothing about you or the relationship. Something inside them tells them not to make any emotional investment whatsoever.


These and many others may be a clear indicator that your relationship is karmic. It should be noted that one doesn’t just fly out of karmic relationships until the intended lessons are learned. It is really possible to begin a new karmic affair after the end of another.


Why does it happen?

A majority of belief systems accept that we are not just a body, but a soul that is eternal. We (the soul) go through a cycle of birth, death, rebirth, death again, etc. until we have become the best version of ourselves and free from all bondages.

Till then, we will have to reincarnate on this planet and go through everything. In this process, we will meet people, have interactions, give n take, etc. they play an important role in our life. But often the purpose of two souls coming together doesn’t get fulfilled in one life. So it gets carried on to the next one and they meet again!

Another reason could be that if you did anything good or bad karma to a person and if the payback doesn’t get completed in the same life, then you both are destined to meet again in the next life to finish the karma. Such are the purposes of a karmic relationship and it doesn’t need to be a romantic lover. Even a teacher, a friend, a neighbor, or a family relation will have some unfinished karma with you or vice versa.

How much will a karmic relationship last?

If you have any pending karma with any soul, then no matter what you do, you won’t be able to avoid that karmic relationship. It is almost fictitious for a karmic relationship to last a whole lifetime as most of them last a few months to a few years, depending on the amount of karma left to do.

Relationships of karmic nature mostly happen early on in life so that we will finally learn the lessons which were meant in the previous life and become a better person and evolve as a soul. We have a certain amount of debts and credits with people accumulated from our past lives.

Karmics are not meant to last any longer than they need to, to resolve the karma for which they are in your life. That said, they can last a very long time, and it’s possible to stay with them for the rest of your life, mainly if it’s necessary to do so to resolve that karma.

We all experience this kind of relationship at some point in our lives. It is possible to last for days, weeks, months, years, or even a lifetime. They are often oxymoronic in nature as it is a thorough breed of joy and pain. What is essential is what we learned at the end.

The twist is, the longer it takes to identify and learn what is needed to be determined, the longer the karmic relationship lasts. This ‘elongated period’ of relationship would only present more complexities and difficulty in the relationship.

To make this easier then, one should be at alert to learn and correct their faults as fast as possible. Being a fast learner will in so many ways than can be imagined to reduce your plight.  That one has identified and corrected his or her flaw does not mean the relationship will gain normalcy. It gets into shambles. That was the essence of the relationship to help you honor deals, and that has been done, so the contract is ended.

This does not in any way guarantee a relationship filled with red roses; afterward, it is also possible to move from one karmic relationship to another. Being in a karmic relationship at different times may continue for the rest of one’s life, depending on the number of soul contracts to be honored.

Generally speaking, though, once the karma is resolved, they will tend to leave your life and go on their way, as they have other soul contracts to honor, and so do you.


Is love in karmic relationships real?

Yes, it is real. All love is real. It is not fear-based. It’s based on the love between two souls who share a karmic debt which they have together agreed to resolve. It is initially characterized by the regular blisses associated with average love life.

The primary aim of a karmic relationship is to teach and tame the concerned party. In the long run, it exposes certain flaws and weaknesses in a person that needs to be fixed. Yes, it may not end so well as you’d wish it would, but it is sure to make you a better person afterward.

Yes, I do believe in karmic relationships, and I would suggest you do not leave it until you have learned what it is you need to learn. If you don’t, another similar situation will present itself. Check out this article to see the role you play in karma.


Understanding and managing a karmic relationship

To manage your karmic relationships, it might be a good idea to work with a psychic past life advisor because such a bond might easily cloud your judgment. They might feel too complicated; somehow, you can’t find the way out of what feels like a dark maze. They might weigh you down and start to affect all areas of your life.

Try to cultivate patience, as karmic relationships take time to understand and resolve. Trust that every relationship is resolvable. Yours isn’t the first karmic relationship, nor is it the only one you’ll have. Every person has at least several vital karmic relationships to resolve, and they all vary in complexity.

Write a letter to the person with whom you have a karmic relationship. You don’t need to give the message to them. This practice is for you to be as open and honest as possible. Write how you feel, how this person makes you feel, and explore what you want out of this relationship. Be true to your soul – what is it you want to happen? And what is it that you think will happen? If there’s a discrepancy between what you want and what you think will happen, it begs to be explored why.

Psychics say, once a connection is formed, it’s always there. Spiritually we’re always connected to those people whom we’ve connected with, even once. With karmic relationships, this holds even truer, so even if you resolve the karma and part ways, that person will always be a part of you – a sweet, beautiful piece.


Completing the pending karma

Karmic relationships are not meant to last a lifetime; you don’t need to compulsorily experience a karmic relationship for your growth. Past karma will bring you and the person together, but at most the association should last until all the pending karma from the past lives is done with.

It would be wrong to enter into matrimony with a karmic partner or even think of that person as a life partner. Once you feel you are in a relationship situation that is in any way abusive, the best thing to do will be to leave the alliance. Even if it isn’t abusive, you should leave the relationship when you’ve learned all the lessons meant for you.

Being in a lifetime relationship with a soulmate or a twin flame is much better than with a karmic partner; and if you are destined to meet your soulmate/twin flame in this life, then, rest assured, all your karmic relationships will end on their own. You shouldn’t worry about experiencing a karmic relationship; take it sportingly, finish the karma, learn the lessons, and leave with a smile.





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